how can we help you ?

  • One-Stop Solution

    One-Stop Solution

    Get everything made under one roof.
    Save time, money and effort from
    dealing with multiple suppliers.

  • Lower your inventory risk

    Lower your inventory risk

    Minimum Order Quantity as small as 200pcs each color each style. Relying on our lean production lines,we have the ability to provide clients with small - batch, multi-frequency, fast delivery production service, allowing customers to test the market with limited budget and to reduce inventory risks.

  • High quality Products

    High quality Products

    Every step of the way at our own factory we oversee the quality &production of your brand and design for top quality.

  • Always behind your back

    Always behind your back

    Work with an experienced team of helpful professionals who care about your brand's success.

  • Lower prices as you grow

    Lower prices as you grow

    We offer attract pricing tiers for large orders. You get to earn more as your business grows with us.

let's make great apparel together
why not!
about us
  • 10+ A wealth
    of experience
  • 1,000+ The clients
    we work with
  • 100,000+ Production
    monthly capacity