The physical benefits of swimming pool yoga are far more than the cool in the summer sun

Yoga has no strict rules. The whole point of the exercise is to make your body feel good – adding a pool to the equation can not only help you cool down in the summer heat, but also do more.

“Pool Yoga takes advantage of the resistance and buoyancy properties of water to create a total body exercise without impact, which increases calorie consumption, increases muscle tension and flexibility, and improves circulation. It also relieves inflammation, muscle and joint pain, and post exercise soreness Certified yoga instructor and founder of h2yoga sue gisser.

The natural resistance generated in the swimming pool can not only massage your muscles, but also help you to be naughty. That’s why submerging your practice can calm the nervous system and promote rest, recovery and recovery, gisser added.

Water can absorb up to 80% of your weight, depending on the depth of your walk, which encourages your muscles to relax and reduces joint stress, gisser says. With more control than your exercise, you can exercise longer or longer than on land.

“If you have a swimming pool, you can enter and start the race. Your body is always your best teacher. Start with any yoga pose – your body will tell you where to move next, where to stretch, when to feel good, when not, and how to adjust to prevent you from falling, “says giser.

You are free to design your own pool flow, and gisser can share some tips to help you get started.

“The level of the chest is deep enough to provide support and enough resistance for most standing positions, flow and balance. However, if you use buoyancy equipment for floating yoga practice, you can also practice in deep water. ” Giselle said.

Suppose you want to transition from the Warrior II position to the triangle position – gisser points out that when you transition back and forth, inhale in position 1 and exhale in position 2. Then, for the next two minutes, switch breathing (exhale in Warrior II) and let your body and water guide your steps. These poses can be done in the most convenient way, so you can float them and modify them so that your face won’t be underwater – which is crucial for the inhalation part of the pose.

When floating, circular motion makes you spin – gisser wants you to embrace motion. Here you are creating a vortex driven by the core and water.

Obviously, the “dog down” position needs to be modified. Gisser proposed two solutions for this: to turn it upside down by practicing the rowing posture, or to turn it sideways by performing a straight leg side crow.

“Be happy, experiment, trust yourself – if you feel good, it’s the right thing to do,” Giselle said But she always advises wearing sunscreen, staying hydrated, not eating before running water, and not swimming alone.

When asked if there were any drawbacks to pool yoga, Giselle said: “you feel good, free and have a lot of fun, and you never want to stop. If you have other things to do, I think that might be a disadvantage. “

Post time: Aug-27-2020